Hi, I’m Rosie

I love warm chai, fresh flowers and good company. The simple things.
I love taking in all the magic nature has to offer and I’m a bit of a bookworm - I always have at least three books on the go!

Kinesiology has been a part of my life since I was 12 years old.

In 2005 my family moved to Australia from the UK. A few years later, my Mum decided she wanted to leave her career as a Medical Device Specialist and study kinesiology.

That decision changed my life.
(thanks Mum!)

Growing up with kinesiology gave me the tools to be emotionally aware and energetically sensitive at a young age. I loved spending time in Mum's clinic, exploring energy and self-development. However, like many kids, I still struggled with anxiety, insecurity and low self-esteem in high school. Luckily, I had kinesiology to help me untangle all that heaviness from the inside out. Each session gave me space to process my emotions, recognise my subconscious beliefs and reframe my stress.

After high school, I wanted to study kinesiology and a degree in international relations. So I studied both. At the same time. I still don't know how I managed to juggle full-time uni during the week and kinesiology classes on weekends! When I finished my kinesiology training in 2014, I put my plans to practice on hold and focused on completing my degree.

Over the next few years, I studied abroad in the UK and worked with charities across South East Asia. I became passionate about changing the world! Between semesters I travelled to Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia and Malaysia to meet inspiring teams and discuss development, empowerment and community. At the end of my degree, I attended a conference at the UN in New York for students to come together and discuss global problems. And once I finished my degree, I started working at a charity with other people who were just as passionate about changing the world as I was!
It took me some time, but faced with a career of hustle and burnout…

I realised that changing the world is, first and foremost, an inside job.

My Approach

My intention is to activate a remembering in my clients, to align them with their unique and original blueprint and empower them to tune back into their innate inner-wisdom so that they can embody their highest potential and vitality.

I’ve been through many cycles of refining my approach to kinesiology. Through that process, I’ve traversed many layers of health and wellbeing including Anatomy & Physiology, Biochemistry, Nutrition, Bioenergetics, Metaphysics, Daoist Principles and Shamanic Perspectives.

I work with my clients by helping them untangle the stressors in their life that hold them back physically, mentally, emotionally and universally. By doing this, my intention is to reconnect them to the core of who they really are and what makes their soul sing so that they can create a life that they truly love and live it with optimum health and vitality.

My Values



Bachelor of Arts (International Relations)
Cert IV PKP Kinesiology
Kinesiology for Kids
Total Body Modification

I. Basic Exam & Autonomic Recovery Program
II. Harmonisation
III. Pathologies
Five Element Bioenergetics
I. Pathways of Qi
Kinesiology Concepts
I. Optimising Adrenal Function


Australian Institute of Kinesiology